Sunday, August 11, 2019

Constitutional Amendment 1st to 103rd

(A) Land related and 9th schedule related law.
Amendment 1 (1951) -:
Amendment 4 (1955) -:
Amendment 17 (1964) -:
Amendment 29 (1972) -:
Amendment 34 (1974) -:
Amendment 40 (1976) -:
Amendment 47 (1984) -:
Amendment 66 (1990) -:
Amendment 76 (1994) -:
Amendment 78 (1995) -:
(B) Reservation related law.
Amendment 8 (1960) -: 10 Year increase for Anglo-Indian, SC & ST. [23RD in 1970, 45TH in 1980, 62ND in 1989, 79TH in 2000, 95TH in 2010]
Amendment 51 (1984) -:
Amendment 57 (1987) -:
Amendment 65 (1990) -:
Amendment 72 (1992) -:
Amendment 77 (1995) -:
Amendment 81 (2000) -:
Amendment 82 (2000) -:
Amendment 85 (2002) -:
Amendment 89 (2003) -:
Amendment 90 (2003) -:
Amendment 93 (2006) -:
Amendment 94 (2006) -:
Amendment 102 (2018) -:
Amendment 103 (2019) -:
(C) STATE related law.
Amendment 10 (1961) -:
Amendment 12 (1961) -:
Amendment 13 (1963) -:
Amendment 14 (1963) -:
Amendment 18 (1966) -:
Amendment 22 (1969) -:
Amendment 27 (1972) -:
Amendment 32 (1974) -:
Amendment 35 (1975) -:
Amendment 36 (1975) -:
Amendment 37 (1975) -:
Amendment 49 (1984) -:
Amendment 53 (1986) -:
Amendment 55 (1987) -:
Amendment 56 (1987) -:
Amendment 69 (1990) -:
Amendment 70 (1991)-:
(D) Language related law.
Amendment 21 (1967) -:
Amendment 58 (1987) -:
Amendment 71 (1992) -:
Amendment 92 (2004) -:
Amendment 96 (2011) -:
(E) Emergency related law.
Amendment 48 (1984) -:
Amendment 59 (1988) -:
Amendment 63 (1990) -:
Amendment 64 (1990) -:
Amendment 67 (1990) -:
Amendment 68 (1991) -:
(F) Local self-governance related law.
Amendment 73 (1992) -: Rural local self-governance. Panchayati Raj
Amendment 74 (1992) -: Urban local self-governance. Municipalities
Amendment 83 (2000) -: Exempt Arunachal from SC reservation in Panchayati raj.
Amendment 97 (2012) -: “Cooperative societies” in IXB part Art.243ZH to 243ZT.
(G) International land dispute related law.
Amendment 9 (1960) -: India – Pak land agreement.
Amendment 100 (2015) -: India Bangladesh land border agreement. (LBA)
(H) During Emergency dispute related law
Amendment 38 -:
Amendment 39 -:
Amendment 41-:
Amendment 42 -: 
Amendment 43 -:
Amendment 44 -:
(I) Other Imp law
Amendment 84 (2002) -:
Amendment 87 (2002) -:
(J) Other Imp law
Amendment 2 (1953) -:
Amendment 3 (1955) -:
Amendment 5 (1955) -:
Amendment 6 (1956) -:
Amendment 7 (1956) -:
Amendment 11 (1961) -:
Amendment 15 (1963) -:
Amendment 16 (1963) -:
Amendment 19 (1966) -:
Amendment 20 (1966) -:
Amendment 24 (1971) -:
Amendment 25 (1972) -:
Amendment 26 (1971) -:
Amendment 28 (1972) -:
Amendment 30 (1973) -:
Amendment 33 (1974) -:
Amendment 46 (1983) -:
Amendment 50 (1983) -:
Amendment 52 (1985) -:
Amendment 54 (1986) -:
Amendment 60 (1988) -:
Amendment 61 (1989) -:
Amendment 75 (1994) -:
Amendment 80 (2000) -:
Amendment 86 (2002) -:
Amendment 88 (2004) -:
Amendment 91 (2004) -:
Amendment 98 (2013) -:
Amendment 99 (2015) -: Formation of National Judicial Appointment Commission (NJAC).
Amendment 101 (2017) -: Introduction of GST.

Constitutional Amendment and Basic Structure -: 

Important Judgement -:
Bomai Case (1994) -:

Ø  Basic element of Basic structure -:

1. Supremacy of the Constitution
2. Sovereign, democratic and republican nature of the Indian polity
3. Secular character of the Constitution
4. Separation of powers between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary
5. Federal character of the Constitution
6. Unity and integrity of the nation
7. Welfare state (socio-economic justice)
8. Judicial review
9. Freedom and dignity of the individual
10. Parliamentary system
11. Rule of law
12. Harmony and balance between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles
13. Principle of equality
14. Free and fair elections
15. Independence of Judiciary
16. Limited power of Parliament to amend the Constitution
17. Effective access to justice
18. Principles (or essence) underlying fundamental rights.
19. Powers of the Supreme Court under Articles 32, 136, 141 and 1426
20. Powers of the High Courts under Articles 226 and 2277

Ø  Supreme Court has reaffirmed its judgement in the Menaka case and other. It has declared the following rights as part of Article 21:
(1) Right to live with human dignity.
(2) Right to decent environment including pollution free water and air and
protection against hazardous industries.
(3) Right to livelihood.
(4) Right to privacy.
(5) Right to shelter.
(6) Right to health.
(7) Right to free education up to 14 years of age.
(8) Right to free legal aid.
(9) Right against solitary confinement.
(10) Right to speedy trial.
(11) Right against handcuffing.
(12) Right against inhuman treatment.
(13) Right against delayed execution.
(14) Right to travel abroad.
(15) Right against bonded labour.
(16) Right against custodial harassment.
(17) Right to emergency medical aid.
(18) Right to timely medical treatment in government hospital.
(19) Right not to be driven out of a state.
(20) Right to fair trial.
(21) Right of prisoner to have necessities of life.
(22) Right of women to be treated with decency and dignity.
(23) Right against public hanging.
(24) Right to hearing.
(25) Right to information.
(26) Right to reputation.
(27) Right of appeal from a judgement of conviction
(28) Right to social security and protection of the family
(29) Right to social and economic justice and empowerment
(30) Right against bar fetters
(31) Right to appropriate life insurance policy
(32) Right to sleep
(33) Right to freedom from noise pollution
(34) Right to electricity

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